On Sunday, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of sending “trained goons” to kill party chief Arvind Kejriwal during a campaign in New Delhi. The allegations stemmed from an incident on Saturday when Kejriwal’s car was reportedly attacked by BJP supporters, allegedly including individuals with criminal backgrounds linked to BJP candidate Parvesh Verma. Delhi Chief Minister Atishi claimed the attackers were close aides of Verma, specifically identifying one as Rohit Tyagi, who has a history of criminal charges, including theft and attempted murder.
In response, Verma refuted AAP’s claims, stating the individuals were not goons but local residents attempting to speak with Kejriwal. He asserted that Kejriwal’s vehicle had struck the individuals while attempting to avoid them and denied any conspiracy. Verma also filed a complaint with the Election Commission, emphasizing that the three individuals had no weapons and were merely seeking a conversation.
This political confrontation has intensified ahead of the upcoming elections, as both parties continue to trade accusations and counterclaims, escalating tensions in the New Delhi constituency.